How to Administer Panacur Granules
Panacur 22% Granules are an essentially tasteless treatment for internal parasites suitable for cats, dogs and horses. Panacur not only kills any adult worms currently in your pet’s digestive tract, but it also destroys worm eggs. Before administering Panacur granules to your pet, make sure you have the correct dosage for the weight of your pet, which is as follows:
Panacur Granules for Dogs and Cats
Panacur Granules are available in the following dosages for dogs and cats:
- 1g sachet treats 2kg body weight as a single dose (1.1 2.2kg)
- 1.8g sachet treats 4kg body weight as a single dose (2.2 4.4kg)
- 4.5g sachet treats 10kg body weight as a single dose (5 10kg
For dogs weighing over 10kg (22 lbs), additional sachets are required according to the additional bodyweight.
Mix the correct dosage of Panacur in with your pet's usual food and ensure they eat the entire dosage. You may require one or a combination of the various sachets to administer the correct dosage to your pet. It’s recommended that dogs and cats over 6 months are given Panacur Granules 2-4 times per year as a precaution.
Weaned puppies and kittens under 6 months of age require a lower dose, and each sachet above will treat double the body weight, i.e. a 1g sachet will treat 4kg of body weight. These should be given the dosage for three consecutive days. However, the minimum weight for Panacur Granules is 2.2kg, smaller or unweaned puppies and kittens should be given Panacur Paste or Liquid.
Panacur Granules for Horses
Panacur Granules for horses are available as a pack of ten 10.2g sachets. The recommended dosage for horses is to orally administer 5g Panacur Equine Granules per 150kg bodyweight. It is recommended that horses be treated for worms with a single dosage of Panacur Equine Granules every 6-8 weeks.
How to Administer Panacur Liquid
Panacur 10% oral suspension is available for cats, dogs and horses and kills not only adult worms but the immature stages too. Before giving Panacur liquid, ensure you have the correct dosage for your pet:
Panacur Liquid for Dogs and Cats
For dogs and cats, simply give 1ml of Panacur Liquid per 1kg of body weight, for dogs over 64kg an additional 1ml is required for each additional kg of bodyweight. You can add the liquid to food, or administer it orally after feeding. Dogs and cats over 6 months should be treated 2 to 4 times a year as a precaution.
Puppies and kittens under 6 months should be given 0.5ml or Panacur Liquid per 1kg of body weight for 3 consecutive days. This can be mixed with food for weaned animals, or given orally after feeding for weaned and unweaned animals.
Panacur Liquid for Horses
Horses should be given 5ml of Panacur Liquid per 65kg of body weight. This should be given daily for 5 days. No dietary control is needed before worming your horse with Panacur Liquid, and it can be mixed into the feed.
Panacur Paste
Panacur 18.75% Oral Paste is available for dogs, cats and rabbits. The paste is easy to administer straight into the mouth of your pet, and you use the graduations on the syringe to give the correct dosage.
Panacur Paste for Dogs and Cats
Each syringe of Panacur Paste can treat a 9kg cat or dog. Orally administer 2 syringe graduations per kg of body weight in a single dose. For pets above 9kg, you will need extra syringes and the animal will need two extra syringe graduations per kg of body weight, the full dosage should still be given as a single dose.
Puppies and kittens under 6 months must be a minimum of 1kg to be treated with Panacur Paste. The correct dosage should be given daily for 3 days. Dosages for kittens and puppies are as follows:
- 1.0-2.0kg - 2 syringe graduations
- 2.1-3.0kg - 3 syringe graduations
- 3.1-4.0kg - 4 syringe graduations
- 4.1-5.0kg - 5 syringe graduations
- - 6 syringe graduations
For puppies over 6kg, an additional syringe graduation is required per kg of body weight.
Panacur Paste for Horses
The syringe of Panacur Paste for horses is marked per 100kg of body weight. Simply give your horse one syringe mark per 100kg of body weight.
Panacur Paste for Rabbits
Rabbits must be at least 2.5kg in weight to be treated with Panacur Paste. Dosages are as follows:
- 2.5-5.0kg - 2 syringe graduations
- 5.0kg - 7.5kg - 3 syringe graduations
Panacur Paste should be given daily for 3 days straight. It is advised to treat rabbits 2-4 times a year as a precaution.