
Advocate Spot-On Solution is a prescription treatment for dogs and cats that provides broad-spectrum protection against mites, fleas, ticks, heartworms, and various intestinal worms, with a single monthly application.

Products with this symbol require a vet prescription in the checkout. More information

Showing 6 Product

  1. Advocate Spot On for Dogs 250 (10-25kg) 2951
    Advocate® Spot-On Solution for Large Dogs 250mg/62.5mg (10kg-25kg)
    2 products in range £14.88 £29.75
  2. Advocate for Cats Spot On for Cats 40 (Kittens & Cats up to 4kg) 480
    Advocate® Spot-On Solution for Cats and Kittens 40mg/4mg (up to 4kg)
    TVP £0.00

    Typical Vet Price. For more see our T&Cs 8.8 Price & Payment

    2 products in range £11.99 £22.99
  3. Advocate Spot On for Dogs 400 ( > 25kg) 2953
    Advocate® Spot-On Solution for Extra Large Dogs 400mg/100mg (25kg-40kg)
    2 products in range £19.99 £39.98
  4. Advocate Spot-On Solution for Dogs 100mg/25mg (4kg-10kg) 2950
    Advocate® Spot-On Solution for Medium Dogs 100mg/25mg (4kg-10kg)
    2 products in range £14.50 £28.99
  5. Advocate Spot On for Dogs 40 (For Puppies & Small Dogs up to 4kg) 481
    Advocate® Spot-On Solution for Small Dogs and Puppies 40mg/10mg (up to 4kg)
    TVP £0.00

    Typical Vet Price. For more see our T&Cs 8.8 Price & Payment

  6. Advocate for Cats Spot On 80 (For Large Cats over 4kg) 2949
    Advocate® Spot-On Solution for Large Cats 80mg/8mg (4kg-8kg)
    2 products in range £13.32 £26.64

Showing 6 Product

What is Advocate? 

Advocate is an effective and easy-to-apply flea and broad-spectrum worming treatment for cats, dogs and ferrets of varying sizes. Advocate flea treatment for dogs and cats kills fleas, lice and intestinal worms and is used to treat or prevent the following parasites:

What Advocate Treats

Parasite* Dogs Cats Ferrets
Fleas Yes Yes Yes
Biting Lice Yes No No
Ear Mites Yes Yes No
Sarcoptic Mange (Sarcoptes Scabiei) Yes No No
Notoedric Mange No Yes No
Demodex Yes No No
Heartworm Yes (prevention & treatment of some stages) Yes (prevention only) Yes (prevention only)
Lungworm Yes (prevention and treatment) Yes (prevention and treatment) No
Roundworm Yes Yes No
Whipworms Yes No No
Eye Worm Yes Yes No

*treats parasites specific to particular species  

Your vet may also prescribe Advocate flea treatment for cats and dogs to treat flea allergy dermatitis, as it kills fleas on contact without needing fleas to bite your pet's skin.

Does Advocate Kill Fleas?

Not only does Advocate kill adult fleas on your pet, but it also kills flea larvae that might be dormant in your home within 20 minutes. This is because the active ingredients are absorbed into your pet's skin and coat, so the ingredient can still work when they shed naturally. This effectively breaks the flea lifecycle and helps protect both your pet and home from further infestations.

If you want to ensure your home is free of flea infestation, you can also use other measures, such as washing all your pet's bedding in hot water, vacuuming more frequently, and using external flea sprays for carpets and upholstery.

How Do Advocate Flea Treatments Work?

Advocate flea and worm treatment for dogs and cats contains two active ingredients, Imidacloprid and Moxidectin, both of which are pet-safe insecticides. Imidacloprid interferes with receptors in the nervous systems of external parasites, causing them paralysis and, ultimately, death. Moxidectin works similarly for internal parasites by interfering with signals passed between cells of a worm's nervous system, causing paralysis and death.

How to Apply Advocate

 Advocate is provided as single-use pipettes in the recommended dosage depending on your pet's body weight. How you apply this treatment will depend on the size of your pet.

Always ensure you apply Advocate for dogs and cats somewhere your pet cannot lick it as ingesting the solution may cause adverse effects. Once the treatment has been applied, avoid stroking your pet in the treated spot until the treatment has dried. Wash your hands thoroughly after applying Advocate or accidentally touching a treated area.

For Cats, Ferrets and Small Dogs

Part the fur at the base of your pet's skull or between their shoulder blades (somewhere they can't lick it) until you can see the skin and place the open pipette onto your pet's skin. Squeeze the pipette firmly several times to empty the contents onto the skin.

 For Medium to Extra-Large Dogs

A single pipette should be applied in 3-4 spots along your dog’s back, starting from their shoulder blades and ending at the base of their tail. Part the fur at each point until you can see skin, and place the pipette on their skin. Squeeze the pipette firmly to deposit the treatment, and repeat the process at each point on your dog's back until the pipette is empty.

How long does it take for Advocate to work?

Advocate for Dogs is a broad-spectrum combination treatment and, once applied, gets working right away, stopping fleas from biting within 3-5 minutes and killing all fleas on contact within an hour.

How long does advocate flea treatment last?

 Once applied, a single dose of Advocate Flea and Worm spot-on treatment lasts up to 4 weeks to prevent flea infestations and protect your pet from worms.

Can You Buy Advocate for Dogs Without a Vet Prescription?

All Advocate products are prescription medications and can only be purchased using a valid, in-date prescription from your vet. You can learn more about ordering a prescription medicine for your pet from Pet Drugs Online on our prescription information page. If you don't have a prescription, you can still treat your pet for fleas using Advantage Flea Treatments.

For your pet's safety, always be wary of any organisation offering to sell Advocate products or any other prescription-only veterinary medicines without a prescription. 

Please note, while we have an onsite vet to oversee the sales of prescription medicines, we do not offer veterinary consultations or advice.a