IVC Evidensia’s Anti-slavery and Anti-human Trafficking Statement
Pet Drugs Online is a member of the IVC Evidensia group
At IVC Evidensia, we understand and are committed to our responsibility to prevent, detect, and report any instances of modern slavery throughout our business and supply chain.
Slavery, servitude, forced labour, bonded labour, and human trafficking are issues of increasing global concern, affecting all sectors, regions, and economies. Modern slavery is unacceptable. It is a crime and outright violation of our most basic human rights. Combatting modern slavery is an integral element to our overall approach to business and to our duty of upholding the Human Rights Act of 1998.
We are committed to respecting, protecting, and championing the human rights of all those who come into contact with our operations. This includes our employees, supply chain workers, clients, and local communities.
We fully accept our responsibility to support transparency. We are dedicated to regularly reviewing our business practices, finding and resolving any problems, and to collaborate with others in order to protect the rights of workers—especially those most vulnerable to abuse, modern slavery, and any human rights violations.
IVC Evidensia has expanded rapidly over the last five years. To support this responsibility, we have recruited a legal and compliance team whose key priority for this year was to complete a modern slavery risk assessment and identify any gaps in our operational processes and controls. The findings from our risk assessment will form the basis for our activity in the 2021/22 year.
IVC Evidensia’s anti-slavery and anti-human trafficking statement has been made in accordance with section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and it constitutes for the financial year beginning October 2020 and ending September 2021.
This Statement has been approved by the Board of IVC Evidensia Limited on 1st October 2021
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