Pooch & Mutt Grain-Free Health & Digestion Dry Dog Food
Pooch & Mutt Grain-Free Health & Digestion Dry Dog Food is a vet-recommended, premium, grain-free, complete dry dog food for dogs with poor or sensitive digestive systems. The food is packed with active ingredients, including 45% salmon as fish tends to be easier for dogs to digest than meat, sweet potato as a digestion-aiding fibre to ensure good gut motility, parsley as a natural deodoriser and prebiotics to support your dog’s sensitive digestion and psyllium which promotes firm stools. Pooch & Mutt Grain-Free Health & Digestion is a complete dry food that also contains NUTRA-BIONIC, a unique supplement that includes ingredients that provide a healthy skin and coat, aids digestion, reduces stool odour, and supports urinal tract health.
Small Dogs (1kg-10kg): Give 80g-135g per day
Medium Dogs (11kg-30kg): Give 135g-305g per day
Large Dogs (31kg-50kg): Give 305g-450g per day
Giant Dogs (51kg+): Give 450g per day
If you are changing your dog's food, we recommend that you introduce the new food gradually. Start by replacing 25% of their existing food for the first 2-3 days, then 50% for a further 2-3 days, then 75% for a final 2-3 days.
Fresh drinking water should be available at all times. Store in a cool dry place. For canine use only.
Pooch & Mutt Grain-Free Health & Digestion Dry Dog Food is available in the following size:
- 2kg Bag
- Aids digestion, reduces stool odour
- Grain-free
- Contains prebiotics and probiotics for gut health
- Use natural ingredients
- Contains Nutra-Bionic ingredients
- Hypoallergenic
- Vet recommended
Product CompositionFresh salmon (25%), sweet potato, salmon protein (17%), potato, peas, salmon oil (1.5%), salmon gravy (1.5%), alfalfa, dried beet pulp, linseed, parsley, brewer's yeast, psyllium husk and seeds (0.08%), dried cranberry (0.04%), glucosamine (0.026%), chondroitin sulphate (0.016%), mannan-oligosaccharides (0.015%), fructooligosaccharides (0.01%), mojave yucca(0.01%), lactobacillus acidophilus ha- 122 inactivated(15x109 cells/kg)
Analytical ConstituentsCrude protein 24%, crude fat 12% , crude fibre 3.8%, crude ash 6.5%, moisture 10%, omega 3 0.5%, omega 6 1.5%, calcium 1.1%, phosphorus 0.8%, sodium 0.5%