Discontinued Product Disclaimers

Can't Find The Product You're Looking For?
Sometimes, manufacturers will discontinue a product with little warning. If the product you're looking for has been discontinued, please see below for the next steps you can take to either find an alternative or resolve your issue. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Prescription Only Veterinary Medicines (POM-V*)
Unfortunately, this product has been discontinued and is no longer available. Please discuss with your vet a suitable alternative or contact us to discuss what options are available to you. Please note that we need a new prescription for any alternative item ordered.
(*A Veterinary Medicinal Product (VMP) that has been classified as a POM-V may only be supplied to the client once it has been prescribed by a veterinary surgeon following a clinical assessment of an animal, or group of animals, under the veterinary surgeon's care.)
Prescription Only Veterinary Medicines: Veterinarian, Pharmacist, Suitably Qualified Person (POM-VPS*)
Unfortunately, this product has been discontinued and is no longer available. You can search for suitable alternatives within the same category of medicine, or you can contact us to discuss a suitable alternative with one of our advisors.
(*A veterinary medicine classified as POM-VPS may be prescribed by any Registered Qualified Person (RQP - a veterinarian, a pharmacist or an appropriately qualified SQP). A clinical assessment of the animal(s) is not required when prescribing this category of veterinary medicine, and the animal does not have to be seen by the prescriber. However, sufficient information about the animal and the way it is kept must be known to the prescriber in order to prescribe and supply appropriately.)
Can't Find the Product You're Looking For?
Sometimes, manufacturers will discontinue a product with little warning. If the product you're looking for has been discontinued, please see below for the next steps you can take to either find an alternative or resolve your issue. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Prescription Only Veterinary Medicines (POM-V*)
Unfortunately, this product has been discontinued and is no longer available. Please discuss with your vet a suitable alternative or contact us to discuss what options are available to you. Please note that we need a new prescription for any alternative item ordered.
(*A Veterinary Medicinal Product (VMP) that has been classified as a POM-V may only be supplied to the client once it has been prescribed by a veterinary surgeon following a clinical assessment of an animal, or group of animals, under the veterinary surgeon's care.)
Prescription Only Veterinary Medicines: Veterinarian, Pharmacist, Suitably Qualified Person (POM-VPS*)
Unfortunately, this product has been discontinued and is no longer available. You can search for suitable alternatives within the same category of medicine, or you can contact us to discuss a suitable alternative with one of our advisors.
(*A veterinary medicines classified as POM-VPS may be prescribed by any Registered Qualified Person (RQP - a veterinarian, a pharmacist or an appropriately qualified SQP). A clinical assessment of the animal(s) is not required when prescribing this category of veterinary medicine and the animal does not have to be seen by the prescriber. However sufficient information about the animal and the way it is kept must be known to the prescriber in order to prescribe and supply appropriately.)